My Classroom Website

Hello! I am Ms. Neely, one of the Biology teachers at Liberty Technological Magnet High School. Currently, I am teaching Biology II Honors, Chemistry I, and Biology I.


Classroom Rules:  

1. Be on time and in your assigned seat when the bell rings. 

2. Do not leave your seat without permission. 

3. Raise your hand to speak. 

4. Pick up after yourself (make sure nothing is in your desk, around your lab area).  

5.  No eating or drinking in the classroom. 

6. Follow the Liberty Rules (Be respectful, be responsible, and be prepared!). 


I am offering tutoring  in the mornings and afternoons. I do ask that students check with me a little beforehand to ensure that I will be available (and not at a faculty meeting, etc.). I usually give extra points for showing initiative, so students that attend tutoring not only receive help understanding the material, but also extra points.  

Grading Policy

An incomplete grade is recorded as “I” until the student completes the assignment. If the assignment is complete, but receives a grade lower than a 75, the assignment is marked incomplete and the student must redo the assignment. To encourage accuracy and punctuality on assignments, when the incomplete grade is turned in completed, the grade rewarded will be a 75. If you receive an incomplete on a quiz or test, you are REQUIRED to schedule a time to make up this assignment before or after school. If these grades are marked “I” when grades are to be turned in for reports, these grades will automatically become zero, so it is extremely important that you get these grades completed as fast as possible. To find out whether or not you are on the ICU List, click on your class link, scroll to the bottom, and click the link that says "ICU." You will need your Student ID number to access this. If you are not sure whether or not I have an “I” for you, please check this website.  

If you need to contact me, please feel free to email me at